va - Kassettentäter - Deutscher-Kassetten-Untergrund 1979-1983

First in a series of extremely rare (and very unofficial) LP compilations of homemade German synth-punk and strange noises from that golden age of DIY, the late 1970s and early 1980s. All songs on these compilations were first released on cassette tapes and barely heard outside of Germany. The LPs themselves were rare and expensive to begin with; rumor had it that each one was limited to just 100 copies, and priced accordingly. This initial volume came out in 2002. The bands on this record include 4712, Duotronic Synterror, Der Blaue Traum, Georgie D.Der Künftige MusikantReinheit Des Herzens, Steff GBHEwig & 3 Tage, Lorenz LorenzHessen Ganz Groß!, MilitanzTäglich, Co-Mix and Sugalo. If you like this one, go search these band names at the Tape Attack blog and discover their complete cassettes, resurrected!

va - Kassettentäter - Deutscher-Kassetten-Untergrund 1979-1983


  1. "If you like this one, go search these band names at the Tape Attack blog and discover their complete cassettes, resurrected! "

    will do


  2. classy compilation...and there is no other kind...thank you...
