Perverts In White Shirts - Power To The Sheeple

I've been on the mailing list of Dave Phillips for ages. This morning, the latest missive was waiting for me and it contained a link to this. I immediately thought "what is there not to love?". A great band name, a great album title and a cover that riffs on Swans' "Public Castration Is A Good Idea" double LP.

Then I heard the music ... lysergic and hauntingly twisted anti-club hymns that delight and disturb at the same time. It's truly stunning and is easily the best thing that I have heard this year.

PIWS are Dave Phillips and Nathalie Dreier. Next year, this will be released on vinyl by Cruel Bones and on tape by Black Horizons so keep an eye out for those! However, yesterday, dp also put this up on bandcamp as a "name your price" download so you can go and get it now.

I definitely recommend that you do!


  1. Thnak you for recommendation!

    I love Dave Phillips too/


  2. Grabbed despite the corny title. Always appreciate dp, field recordings, noise works & Fear of God alike.

  3. You grabbed a work of genius for free despite the title ... well, that must have been a truly existential struggle!

  4. that video is... whoa.

  5. Thanks for the kind words! Glad to see people are enjoying the record.
