Cosmonauts Hail Satan - Cape Cannibal Skull Island Apocalypse

Cosmonauts Hail Satan is generally credited as the work of Darren Wyngarde (aka Filthy Turd) but surely there were others involved? If it's all his own work then he's more of a genius than I thought he was. Regardless, this is great outsider "noise-rock" (in the sense of early Skullflower and Zeni Geva mixed with lashings of Butthole and given a liberal sprinkling of Bongwater) with plundered and manipulated movie dialogue that adds a genuinely hypnotic edge ... the type of hypnosis induced by hallucinogens.

This had a complicated birth, originally due to be released in 1996 it didn't see the light of day until the tail end of 1998 thanks to Will Montgomery Records and Amanita.

Cape Cannibal Skull Island Apocalypse


  1. Obligatory disc. Wyngarde is king. Put Thurston Moore in the trash where he belongs.

  2. What's happened to Filthy? He appears to have fallen off the internet. He is the king.

  3. As a longtime fan of Chrome, Skullflower, Boredoms and the Buttholes this album is the shit!

    Thanks for posting never heard of him? before.
    Merry Christmas

  4. hi, i am a dedicated follower of your blog and just discovered - here - cosmonauts hail satan very recently... sadly some of the oldest links are no longer working like this one "cape cannibal skull island apocalypse", is it possible to enable it again? many thanks in advance

  5. that's the plan ... the dead CHS links will be back soon.

  6. What is even the point of this blog if all links are dead. Can they be re-upped by request? Cosmonauts Hail... first! Huge thanks.

  7. You sir are a complete tool. Huge thanks.
