Gnod / Islington Mill

People here should know how much I love Gnod. Previously, I have also said how important Islington Mill is to Manchester / Salford. It really is the most vibrant and culturally important venue / art space for the subunderground in this part of the world. In this city of dead-eyed capitalist cannon fodder, it is a shining beacon of hope!

Anyway, parts of the Mill are in a state of decay - namely the roof. For a while now, there has been a fund raising drive to repair the roof which will also present the opportunity to open up the upper floors and expand the creativity.

The mighty Gnod have teamed up with Anthony Child (aka the legendary techno DJ / producer Surgeon as well as one half of the brilliant British Murder Boys) and released ‘Behind The Lids’. Whilst that is great in itself, the beautiful thing is that every single penny of the profits go into the fund raising pot which brings everyone that much closer to sorting the roof out.

Clearly, everyone reading this should go here now and buy the CD. It would also be great if you could spare a quid (or your currency's equivalent) and hand it over to the Mill.


  1. Hey,

    First, love the blog - discovered so much amazing stuff through it.

    I tweeted Gnod a bit back about their out of print stuff, and they recommended searching the net. I found all this stuff here (first time I found your blog) but the links are out of date. Are you planning any re ups on this?

    Thanks, and again really great blog.

  2. That post was in 2010? Fkn hell ... where does time go?

    I wasn't planning to re-up the Gnod posts again but I suppose anything that makes Gnodheads happy is fine with me!

    I've got plans for this month so it will give me time to see what is still not officially available. Then, if I actually remember that this is a good idea ...

  3. Great news - i look forward to the possibility!

    In Gnod We Trust
