Natural Snow Buildings - Shall I Kill My Own Child, I Will Never Sing The Glory Of Satan!

This is the first self-released tape and again is from 2001. There is "only" the titular track here but it is an epic long form version of the track on the preceding tape that takes the music into a completely different direction.

Shall I Kill My Own Child, I Will Never Sing The Glory Of Satan!

Whilst we are on the subject of Mehdi Ameziane and Solange Gularte. A few weeks ago, they have released a free six disc masterpiece.

Trust me, you really need it!


  1. Thank you VERY much!

    Thx! for providing so much satisfation.

    i love Natural Snow Buildings.

  2. WOW!! This AND Two Sides of a REALLY DO RULE!!

    Is anyone else having problems with Zippyshare? My virus protection has blocked all my download attempts from this (ZS) site recently as threats. Is it just me or...?


    peace, dockwan
