Les Rallizes Dénudés - Disaster Sources Encyclopedia Volume 2

Another month, another Dénudés boxset.

In 2004, Illegal-Alien Records released two ten disc "Encyclopedia Of Rallizes" volumes which immediately disappeared from view. Then in 2012, Ignuitas repackaged them. I've not seen the first volume yet but until that happy day arrives:

01 Live 1977-1987

02 Live 1976-1983

03 Live 1979-1983

04 7 May 1983 Kyoto University Western Auditorium part one

05 7 May 1983 Kyoto University Western Auditorium part two

06 1983 Festival

07 11 Aug 1983 Chicken Shack Fussa part one

08 11 Aug 1983 Chicken Shack Fussa part two

09 13 Feb 1993 Baus Theater part one

10 13 Feb 1993 Baus Theater part two


  1. hooooooooooly sheeeeeeeeit

  2. Thank You!!!

  3. Absolutely awesome! Thank you! John

  4. thanx for sharing all this stuff with us


  5. So was every waking moment of this band's existence put to record? Sheesh. Seems like every 15 minutes there's another 15-cd box set of LRD stuff floating around. No complaint, mind. Hearty thanks for all the LRD stuff and the recent spate of Japanese noise spectaculars.

  6. And many thanks for this one, as well!

  7. Well, I finished cleaning out your Rallizes section. Can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate it all. Thank you!
