Keiji Haino - わたしだけ?

This is also known as Watashi Dake? (or Only Me?). Originally, this was an LP released on Pinakotheca in 1981 but it wasn't re-released until P.S.F Records dropped a CD version in 1993 that includes a bonus track. Discogs says that there are three bonus tracks but I don't believe that for a second. The first 12 tracks are from an entirely different time and place. The final 29 minute live track is truly mind-blowing but doesn't chime with what goes before. Don't get me wrong, everything here is classy and classic ... I'm just saying ...



  1. Hearty thanks for all the Japanese weirdness posted of late. I never get tired of exploring this stuff.

  2. This album in its original form, and (theoretically anyway) all the original PSF albums are going to be re-released on vinyl by Black Editions, 'soon'...I wish they would get on with it...

  3. @schlep:
    Thanks for the head-up. Get on with it indeed.

  4. mr Haino being delightful mr Haino...and yes, the live track is another animal for our delight...thank you...
