Kazuyuki K.Null with Fred Frith, Guy Lohnes, Ichiro Agata, Jim O'Rourke - Guitar Organism

Six collaborations with Kazuyuki Kishino. The track with Fred Frith is the one that appears on the earlier tape but there is an 18 minute meeting with Jim O'Rourke, one with Guy Lohnes (who I know nothing about) and three appropriately frenetic ventures with Ichiro Agata (guitarist with the impeccable Melt-Banana).

CD released on Nux Organization in 1996.

Guitar Organism


  1. thanx a lot !

  2. Holy cow! I haven't visited this blog in a while, so I'm incredibly excited to find that, just after a couple days of listening to nothing but ZG a whole bunch of K.K. Null shit has been posted. I can't wait to dig into this stuff!

  3. dam!! didn't even know this existed, thanks! thanks ! thanks!!

  4. glorious guitar noise...ultimate jamming...thank you...
