Various - Devil From The East・A Decade Of Yoshida Tatsuya

And the award for the clumsiest and vaguely offensive title of the week is ...

The work of Tatsuya Yoshida is the work of legend. For brevity's sake, I will assume that you are aware of how great he is. This a wonderful retrospective of his earlier work and I wish there were more covering the following two decades.

Released in Japan on Bloody Butterfly in 1994.

Anyway (in the sense of brevity being really overrated), I was at Supersonic a few years ago walking between stages. Well, vaguely floating. Striding towards me were Tatsuya Yoshida, Kazuyuki Kishino and Masami Akita, resplendent in ankle length black leather coats. So I did what any right thinking person would do. I engaged them in a prolonged and well informed conversation about their work and the global and personal impact that they have had. They were delighted to meet me, asked for my contact details and we are still in regular contact.

Or what really happened was that I stood absolutely stock still staring like a fool with drool dribbling slowly down my chin. Extremely randomly, I had the theme tune to Reservoir Dogs running through my head at the same time.

To be honest, I prefer the first version of the truth.

A Decade Of Yoshida Tatsuya


  1. Caligari:
    absolute masterpiece!

  2. I was the same when merzbow sat down next to me in 2004. Couldn't think of anything to say and just nodded at him

  3. yeah, after Merzbow finished their set at the same festival, Masami was gathering his effect pedals and suchlike ... their was only me, him and the security left in the room. i tapped him on the shoulder, blew kisses at him and told him that I love him. he burst out laughing and i walked out delighted having finally proved that poise and credibility is certainly overrated ...
