va - Death of Vinyl - International Compilation of New Media Artists

At our house, we love compilations. My husband and I both used to buy compilations when we were young, then seek out albums by all the bands on them that we liked. Many comps are simply collections of unrelated tracks, but the best hold together as albums and get listened to over and over again. One of my favorite compilation albums (and now one of Mr. Inside's favorites, too), is this CD from Toronto's Death of Vinyl Entertainment (or DOVe) label in 1991. I think I bought it for the Zoviet-France track, but quickly found myself loving the whole damn thing. The selection leans toward "plunderphonics", with excellent music by John Oswald (an excerpt from his "Plunderphonics" CD), turntablist pioneers Steinski & Mass Media, Sucking Chest Wound, Dante, Producers For "Bob" (actually David Newfield of Broken Social Scene), and Iowa's The Tape-Beatles. There's also mysterious ritual/ambient/industrial darkness by Luciano Dari, Zone, Vasilisk, Alfred 23 HarthZoviet-France, Roughage, Digital Poodle, and Hesskhe Yadalanah. The best track, though, is an implacably sweet cover of "I Can't Get Used to Losing You" by David Scurr of the under-rated band Kaiser Neitzsche. Someone somewhere ought to make that band's tapes available again.

va - Death of Vinyl - International Compilation of New Media Artists