Comforter vs. Lefthandeddecision - Split

You may be forgiven (but not by me) for thinking this was Barbra Streisand and Jesus performing a Titanic tribute. Fear not! It's Phil sharing a split CDr with Andrei Alexeev released on Spirals Of Involution (which is run by Andrei and Alexander Alexeev) in 2003.

...and my heart will go on and on...


  1. Okay, a couple of things...
    1. I seriously laughed out loud after reading this. I couldn't have made a better interpretation of the goings-on in the above album art.
    2. What a stark contrast this artwork is with that of the Azoikum/Lefthandeddecision split...diametric opposites!

    That's all for now...

  2. Casligari:
    very good.
    post more comforter and impaxis
    if you can!
