BGM - Background Music

Much of the Vanity Records discography has already been posted by the right honorable Die or DIY, so I'm going to proceed directly to a special request. This was BGM's sole album, released as an LP in 1980. Despite it's title, this is not exactly music to play in the background, but it is somewhat less alienating than Tolerance or RNA Organism. Machine rhythms and voices are obscured by brackish pools of nasty synth gloop. The singer, Takayuki Shiraishi, would go on to record no wave blurt in the early 1980's with Maximum Lunatic Desire, then make lots of undistinguished techno-pop from the 1990s until today. The rest of the band, though, seemed to think that one record was enough. And really, they were right.

BGM - Background Music


  1. Thank you indeed.This is probably the best,as in catchy and listenable, of the Vanity Roster.A mix up of PiL,Gang Of Four and Can.
    One Records is ALWAYS enough.

  2. Caligari:
    LOVE THAT!!!
