We Wish You An Irie Ismas ...

This is a three disc set released on Trojan Records in 2003. It is packed full of Jamaican legends but it comes with more than a word of warning: it is so unremittingly cheerful that it must be possessed by Babylon and if you listen to all of this then it may well drive you to homicide.

Depending upon the company you keep at this time of year this may be a bad thing. However, it may not be. If you end up in jail it's not my fault you bomboclaat!





  1. A little late here, but Merry Christmas to you and yours, Badgerstump and Mrs. Inside! Thanks for all of the warped, sometimes mangled, occasionally elegant, occasionally crude, and boundary-shattering sounds, as well as the often hilarious and enlightening anecdotes and musings that accompanied them here at the temple in 2015. Here's to a 2016 full of Bliss!

  2. Thank you for uploading this wonderful music, I've been a fan of your blog since I discovered it in 2013. Keep up the good work.
