Various - Idealistic Idiot 2

Odal, Nails Ov Christ, John Hudak, Urbain Autopsy, A Violated Body, Lyke Wake et cetera, et cetera.

Our work here is done ...

Part One

Part Two


  1. Sorry, Badger.
    Your work will never be done.

    And I'm thankful for that.

  2. I fear you might be right.

    I only got involved to post the occasional thing. 6 years later? WTF?

    No one is going anywhere ... still a million bad ideas left!

  3. The Idealistic Idiot series really hit the classic noise and mail art sweet spot. Many listens will be had before I can finish all thirteen and a half hours of it! Very much appreciated, Mr. and Mrs. Inside.

  4. love this compilation...thank you...
