va - Idealistic Idiot 6

Compilation tape from 1987, featuring mail-art madness and idiotic ideals by corprophagic pop sensation Costes Cassette, DMDN, The Psychic Workshop, Esruk, Brume, the dependably wonderful John Hudak (whose entire corpus is required listening for anyone who visits this blog), Domaine Poetique (aka John Hudak & the also-very-amazing-all-the-time Mr. Jeph Jerman), Cephalic Index (a frequent contributor to compilation cassettes of this era), a screaming German maniac called Appi (whose LP I really ought to post here someday), Stream of Unconsciousness, Radical Change, LSD, scum maestro Odal (who is the idealist responsible for this series of comp tapes), and Ditto. I did not break the sides up into separate tracks and could not persuade the husband into doing it for me. If you have the time and patience to do so, contact us and maybe we'll re-post your more conveniently-indexed version.  Otherwise: tough.

va - Idealistic Idiot 6

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