Natural Snow Buildings - The Ladder

Of course, you already know that the exemplary Natural Snow Buildings are Mehdi Ameziane (aka Twinsistermoon) and Solange Gularte (aka Isengrind).

No doubt you are aware of their penchant for sneaking out items in very small numbers which has the unintended consequence of attracting the speculators who will proceed to encourage you to empty your bank account to obtain them. This is one such thing:

Less than two months ago Ba Da Bing! released Terror's Horns. The first 50 pre-orders (that you could only get via Grapefruit Records) came with this CD which is already being touted around for scandalous amounts of money. Anyway, it's great ... enjoy!

The Ladder


  1. On the subject of collector's inflation; you don't happen to have this beast?? Much love and appreciation, Kris

  2. Hi Kris

    Certainly do ... well, the 11 disc set. I'll get to work on it!

  3. Awwww mate you're giving me a stiffy, can't wait to get my scuzz on!!! BTW got a tape rip to send you, what's the best way to send it via or another??? Ps-You're godsend, Kris

  4. whoa ... too much information :/

    we've pretty much got November covered and I've already dropped two box sets it will probably appear on the 1st of December.

    Yeah, you can get me on the bstump address...

  5. Caligari:
    one of my favourite band of all time!

  6. Jesus fucking christ this is amazing. Can you post anything else by this band you have other than what's here already? I'd love more.

  7. my gods speak...the big electrons...and it´s bliss...thank you...

  8. I've only recently gotten into NSB and have been trying to collect everything I can find by them. I was late to this little gem, so thanks for offering it! I wish they would release another physical format so I could get my hands on it but knowing them that likely won't happen.
