Factor 6 - The Heretic

The person behind Factor 6 is Dirk Vercruyssen (aka Het Hilaire Brisdak Ensemble) who did the Sound Theft tape I posted fairly recently. It's peculiar Dutch bedroom electronics and the more I play it the better I like it ... but it will no doubt be an acquired taste.

Another C30 released on Opus Dei Society in 1985 0r 1986.

Not for the first time, it's been pointed out that I am talking out of my arse! Discogs lists this tape incorrectly. Factor 6 was actually Christian Nijs but then it gets more complicated. Christian was going to record a tape for Opus but never got around to it so Frans de Waard recorded and released this himself.

More factual inaccuracies, baseless opinion and contrite corrections coming right up!

The Heretic


  1. Caligari_
    very good

  2. Vercruyssen, Nijs, de Waard...sounds very good to me...thank you...
