Unknown Artist - Waystyx 06

It comes to you in a plain brown wrapper. No artist listed, no info on Discogs, no text, nothing. This CD came out on the extraordinary Moscow label Waystyx (also home to many fine recordings by Brume, Ralf Wehowsky, Merzbow, Contagious Orgasm, Illusion of Safety, other Bleak favorites) in 2006 and is a real mystery. What's not a mystery, though, is that the music is a lovely drone with digital filigree and is a thoroughly enjoyable way to spend an hour. If you know anything about this, please tell us in the comments!

Unknown Artist - Waystyx 06

1 comment:

  1. The user on discogs quotes the response to his questions regarding this release that he got from label representative.

    And here is the response:
    "Concerning wr06 i can say that this material was never released, it is one of the first steps of waystyx. It is music of project, that doesnt exist now. Title of project and track-list we dont divulge."

    Guess that's pretty much all we can find out at the moment.
