No Artist - Deadicated to Anneliese Michel

Anneliese Michel died at the age of 23 of malnutrition and dehydration following 67 exorcisms conducted by Catholic priests over the course of 10 months. The cause of the behaviours that led to the literal conviction that the responsibility lay with demonic possession was epilepsy. An established medical diagnosis of epilepsy. You would be forgiven for thinking that this happened centuries ago in some relatively uneducated hinterland.

Anneliese died in 1976. In Germany.

Not even an unknown artist ... quite simply none. That is perfectly appropriate. It allows the space to consider the truth behind the inspiration for this tape and the stupidity of religious zealots. Simply beautiful and poignant harsh noise.

C42 released on Worthless Recordings in 2011 in a tiny edition of 18.



  1. Caligari:

  2. I think Mr. Shaw is behind most of the 'no artist' releases on Worthless. I actually have the double tape he released of A Clockwork Orange, if you'd like to put it on your blog.

  3. Hi anon ... I figured it might be Mr Shaw but don't know for sure (but I suppose that's the intention). Are the CO tapes really a recording of the audio of the film? Great book, great film. Either way, don't have it and would love to post it!
