Nicole Chambers - NC

I don't know much about this one, except that I love it and more ears (like yours!) need to let these sounds seep inside. I have no idea how Chambers made this stuff, even though she clearly writes on the insert that tape recorder, boom box, and guitars were involved. The music sounds as if it was dropped in from another dimension. It's muted fidelity adds to the overall air of distant, brutally compelling fog. Chambers spent some time in the ranks of power-electronics instigators Bloodyminded, whose irritatingly trite, desperately-grasping-for-transgressive act borders on parody. She went on to run IDES, one of the most dependably fascinating cassette labels of the late 00's, but the strongest releases in the IDES catalog are her own. Released in 2005 in an edition of just 22 copies.

Nicole Chambers - NC 

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