Burning Star Core - West Coast Spring 2004

Talk about reductionist improvisation. This album began life as a triple cassette documenting Burning Star Core's West Coast USA tour, featuring six live documents of the Spencer Yeh/Robert Beatty duo. It was reissued as a double cassette with only four live recordings. The most recent version is a vinyl LP that includes only two concerts. Released on Yeh's What The... ? label, a very clever tribute to/approximation of the bootleg LPs that used to litter "collectable" record shops in pre-internet times.

Burning Star Core - West Coast Spring 2004


  1. i've been sitting on a sweet split w/gov alpha for the better part of a year ( as well as other good joprjoects mby names) any idea where i might look for good NON FUCKING TAPE labels? thanks

  2. Caligri:
    i was looking for it,
