Fine AutomatiC & Die Form - Untitled (Reissue & News)

Can you do a split/collaborative cassette with yourself? Two's company for Die Form's Phillipe Fichot, who works with himself on the first track, finishes off a side while wearing a Fine AutoamtiC mask, then pops back up unadorned for side two. Don't ask me, I don't get it either. This came out as a cassette on Bain Total in 1981, and was reissued with extra tracks in 1982.

Fine AutomatiC & Die Form - Untitled (Reissue & News)


  1. Thanks very much for the two Bain Total Die Form/Phillipe Fichot tape rips - most appreciated.

    It is incredible to read his Wiki entry and marvel at the vast body of work from 1977 on-wards.
