va - Switzerand vs USA

Mr. Inside found this many years ago, one of the nicest gifts he's ever given to me. It's a four-way split c90 featuring tracks by Sudden Infant and Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock representing Switzerland on one side, and Americans Daniel Menche and Small Cruel Party on the other. The insert includes some adorable portraits of all four participants by Joke Lanz, who issued the tape on his own Soja-Sauce Bolognese label in 1997. It comes stuck inside a crushed can, a packaging concept that seems to have inspired the USA side (maybe also the Swiss side, but I can't tell from the titles). Menche's furious fuzz is titled "Canquake", SCP's track is called "Can the Sound Can" (after SBOTHI, of course). Sudden Infant's track, "Les Schwab", may or may not be named after this guy. R&G's "Für Scheide, Schnecke Und Rassiermesser" translates to something I'd prefer not to type here.

va - Switzerand vs USA