Human Art, Factor Psy-D, Animal Light - Compilation

A very interesting compilation/collaboration cassette from 1992 by three German artists who straddle the imaginary lines between sound art, electro-acoustic composition, industrial noise and proto-techno. Animal Art was an early band name used by composer Marc Behrens, and also the name of his cassette label. He shares this tape with Ho. Turner and Lukas Ernst (Human Factor). They present a three-way collaboration on one side and sort pieces by Ernst and Behrens on the other. Years later, Ernst would venture firmly into techno music, Turner would continue to embrace visual art and abstract noise until his death in 2012, and Behrens would produce a significant body of work in both. This tape came in large envelope that unfolds into a poster. The Behrens pieces seem to run together, so I did not separate them into individual tracks.

 Human Art, Factor Psy-D, Animal Light - Compilation

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