Black Tent - Ascent of the Protists

Limited CDR on Muet Organization that reissues two earlier Black Tent releases, a tape called "Pardon Me, But Your Teeth are in My Neck" and a CDR called "Chihuahua Style". It came out in 2003, right on the precipice of The Year Noise Broke and almost everyone who had been playing for years in previously-empty basements in Hamtramck found themselves profiled in The Wire by a breathless David Keenan, headlining No Fun Fest, collaborating with Thurston Moore, and had Henry Rollins driving up the prices of their crappy cassettes on eBay. Why anyone clamored for more indistinct mud by Sick Llama and not Black Tent's spindly electronic shitstorm is beyond me. 

Black Tent - Ascent of the Protists