G*Park - 1983-1988+

Crucial 6xCDR box set compiling the first five cassettes by one of the lowest-profile artists in the Schimpfluch camp, Marc Zeier aka Gorki Park aka G*Park. The last disc contains an otherwise unreleased recording of Zeier performing live with Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock. The box came out on Tochnit-Aleph in a limited edition of 77 copies, with a book of art and information and a used tea bag. Maybe that was intended to impart aroma to the box? I scanned the book, but not the tea bag.

G*Park's music defies easy description, which is a good thing indeed. It's at once tactile and organic and mysteriously inhuman, though these early tapes are not nearly as refined as Zeier would get on later albums like "Geopod" and the recent "Sub" 2xCD on 23five (available from the label and from iTunes, so go get it!). Some of these non-referential textures remind me of Hands To, Small Cruel Party, tac, Kapotte Muziek, or Yeast Culture, to give you a very general idea of the soundworld G*Park inhabits.

disc 1 - G*Park 1
disc 2 - G*Park 2
disc 3 - Ko-NĂ¼
disc 4 - Anasthesie
disc 5 - Zwei Freunde
disc 6 - R&G*Park Improvisation


  1. Thanks for this. Was reading an old Wire article about Schimpfluch yesterday, then this turns up! I was at the Extreme Rituals thing too (and wondering out loud if there'd ever be another), so 10/10 for serendipitous coincidence!

  2. Great!!! Ultra mega thanx for this post!!!!!

  3. thank you!
    a request: you have any enema syringe to post?

  4. I have 5 or 6 Enema Syringe but it doesn't figure on any plans soon.

  5. Massive appreciation for this. Still sore from two years ago getting outbid on this and never thought I'd hear it.

  6. Caligari:
    pretty good
