Marzuraan - Five Years Worth Of Fuck All

At least here, Marzuraan were Lee Stokoe (aka Culver and parts of Female Borstal, Inseminoid and Skullflower and the rest...) on bass, Pete Burn on guitar (who was in Halalchemists with Lee and Dean Glaister and Michael Gillham ... the latter is in Drunk In Hell, Smell & Quim and has been in Nihilist Assault Group), Rob Woodcock on drums (who was in Sex Wound and a load of other things) and Stu Ellen on vocals.

What you get is some of the finest minds in the North-East of England forming a "rock band" because it's a good thing to do and it makes them smile! The majority is recorded live in front of an audience (including a great run through of Rollins Band's "Turned Inside Out") and there is even a studio/rehearsal of Loop's "After Glow".

It's great and was released on Glasgow's At War With False Noise in 2008. And, check the AWWFN bandcamp page whilst you are here!

Five Years Worth Of Fuck All


  1. Caligari:
    i didn't like that.

  2. great band, great vibe! we want some more! (please)
