Concrete Threat + Vomir - Monolithic Blasphemies

Christian Fagerström, Hannes Hellman and Romain Perrot on an LP released on Urashima in 2013 (which I am pretty sure is a re-treatment of the tape that came out on At War With False Noise in 2008).

It used to seem that this blogging lark was a complete waste of time. Spending all of the huge amounts of our lives throwing things that we love into the world in order to be met with silence or casual indifference at best? It's the people who leave the comments or email us that actually keeps our motivation up there. No offense to anybody else but Caligari is the dog's bollocks! He has been listening and giving us his opinion for years and years. To be honest, it's been so long that I think "wonder what he is gonna make of this?" when I am preparing posts. Eventually, we will convert him to the glory of "abstract noise" ... this is primarily aimed at Caligari but feel free to enjoy this as well.

Monolithic Blasphemies


  1. pour l`art contemporain

  2. I have no idea how Caligari can listen to all this stuff in a timely manner.
    I'm so far behind it's ridiculous.

  3. Caligari:
    not bad

  4. hahaha ... what was I saying about casual indifference?
