Sukora ‎- Tower

Firstly, on behalf of Bleak Bliss™ I'd like to apologise for the actions of Mrs Inside. I can only assume that she is the type of women that tells you that she loves you just to mess with your head!

We don't come here for SPROING! We come here for fast-living action! We come here for the type of music that makes Schimpfluch-Gruppe look like a lazy death metal tribute act! We want music that makes John Cage look like a crystal-meth addict! We come here for the sound of a man wearing only socks and shuffling vaguely past some electronics and then taking his socks off and leaving the room and then remembering that he has left his socks in the room with the electronics in it and going back to put his socks on and then leaving again. Stand firm good readers! Fear not! My finger is on the quality control button!

This is the work of Takayoshi Kitajima and it was released on Meme in 1998.

Sukora - Tower


  1. I thought you were kidding, but this is really good! thank you

  2. Caligari:
    as you expected i didn't like it
    but you know that i comment anything on this great blog

  3. took your cue on Sukora - Tower...find it low keyed, ambient and enjoyable as all the music I come across in Bleak Bliss...this one drove me on edge waiting for climax at any relieved me precisely in the end with a classic Cage recourse _9+ minutes of silence...the other five cuts are blurts on the theme...go figure...

    thanks pal...
