Juniper Fuse ‎- Dark Riots I

Juniper Fuse is the work of Mike Connelly. You might know him as Failing Lights or Zombi or as a lot of other pseudonyms. You may also know him as a member of Hair Police or Birth Refusal and any number of side projects and (of course) Wolf Eyes.

Mike also ran the exemplary Gods Of Tundra label. In 2012, there was a huge burst of activity on the label which culminated in December of that year with a series of releases as Juniper Fuse. Although. Hair Police's "Mercurial Rites" LP came out a month or so later the Juniper Fuse releases appear to mark the bowing out! I don't want this to sound like an obituary ... people move on and get on with "real life". I sincerely hope Mike gets everything he wishes for. He certainly gave enough to us!

To my brain, Juniper Fuse seems like a perfect way to exit. Juniper Fuse does not represent what has gone before. They are exquisite dronescapes that occasionally swerve into an ambient void before building again. I tried separating the tracks but that only detracts from the work. The "tracks" flow and should be approached in that way.

This is a C90 released on Gods Of Tundra in 2012.

Dark Riots I


  1. Mike Connelly Is In A band called Clay Rendering with His wife Tara Connelly.They Have 2 e.p's And A single out on Hospital.They Toured The East coast 0f The U.S. In May and June. Love your Blog. Thanks for all the great music.

  2. Ahhh...thanks for the heads up! I'd completely missed Clay Rendering...really pleased he's still active!!!

  3. Caligari:
    not my kind of noise.
    anyway my favourite are
    II and IV
