I.S.O. - Gravity Clock

I.S.O. were Otomo Yoshihide, Sachiko M (both former members of Ground Zero who have created art and history elsewhere) and Yoshimitsu Ichiraku (a former member of Seijaku, Nishinihon and Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO). A very special trio indeed!

This was released on Amoebic in 1998. The label "is comprised of the individual labels of two producers: Yoshihide Otomo and Sachiko M. Amoebic's principal policy is that the producers individually release whatever they choose to, via "amoebic" management". A bit like me and Mrs Inside but without the insight or talent really ...

Gravity Clock


  1. Fucking job!
    I don't have time to listen all that beauties you have post.

    But I'm waiting for weekend! =)


  2. Caligari:
    abstract stuff
    ain't my stuff
