Michael Graeve - Three Live Recordings 2001-2001

Turntable dust from Australian painter, sculptor and sound artist Michael Graeve, sort of in the same general orbit as Janek Schaeffer or Philip Jeck.

Michael Graeve - Three Live Recordings 2001-2001


  1. This Graeve record is quite nice. Do the liner notes give away what equipment Graeve has used (besides the turntables)?


  2. You've just reminded me I've not listened to Jeck's Stoke for a while... thanks very much for this as well!

  3. Many thanks for everyone's kind comments and interest. These recordings are now over ten years old, but I'm still pleased with them as documents. They benefit from headphone listening - loudspeakers flatten the space and make the performances seem overly fiddly, too active. With headphones the changes are felt as subtler, more restrained.

    The instrumentation is simple: Lots of old record players and loudspeakers, 6-12 record players, 10-20 loudspeakers. No vinyl. Recorded live, no overdubs.

  4. So great to get my question answered by Mr. Graeves himself!
    Quite amazing that you managed to create such spatial sounding sounds like the ones one can hear during the 2nd half of your 2nd performance with just turntables and loudspeakers. I had assumed that there had been an echo or reverb unit involved. Respect!
