In Girum Imus Nocte Et Consumimur Igni

Mammoth seven cdr set of fine European HNW artists released on Bosnia and Herzegovina's Zvukovina label in 2010 in an edition of 30.

The label is / was run by Andreas Brandal, Neven Misaljević and Ela Vuk. The sound arm of the label is currently in hibernation and they are focusing on graphic works. Hopefully there will be more noise coming soon.

These discs feature Namazu Dantai (Sascha Mandler), Ptomain (Steffen Cordts), Terminal Erection (Nicola Vinciguerra who you also know as Fecalove), Drevne Bolesti (who are Andreas Brandal and Neven Misaljević who you will also know as Smrznik), Placenta Lyposuction (Harold Gojani who also records as Taklamakan), Die Reitenden Leichen (Matthias Mützlitz) and TFT (Alessio Mininel).

There is a comprehensive review of the release here (which saves me a lot of time).

p.s. check Andreas Brandal's bandcamp page

01 Namazu Dantai - Ingi

02 Ptomain - Rumimusnoc

03 Terminal Erection - Te

04 Drevne Bolesti - Etcon

05 Placenta Lyposuction - Sumi

06 Die Reitenden Leichen - Murig

07 TFT - Ni


  1. cannot download Terminal Erection - link doesn't work

  2. it will be back in the next hour or so!

  3. Thank you man! the Zvukovina site is very interesting, and all the links THEY have...

  4. Badge- the first link just goes to a page now. Nothing DLs...

  5. Caligari:
    translation from latin
    we walk around in the dark
    and we are devoured by fire.
    it's a movie by guy debord,
    founder of the situationist movement

  6. Damn! excel yourself! I didn't know that at all! I know of him but never made the connection...thanks!


    Plague, it should be sorted now...
