Swans‎ - Children Of God

This was released in 1987 as a double LP. This was during the time where I had to rely on inspirational fanatics to get this kind of American music released in Europe...imagine that these days...hearing rumour...having to buy expensive imported vinyl to even get the chance to hear it...

And the Europeans stepped up and allowed us to hear these kind of things...a complete revelation as we were given access...how times change!

Anyway...I bought this as soon as it came into my city (immediately) and I quickly had my ticket to see Swans on the Children Of God tour at the International in Manchester. I was aware of the earlier more "industrial" releases but this release and seeing it live? Changed my life! Believe me...seeing Swans delivering this at the time felt like being impaled by a celestial spike. I haven't changed my mind! If I ever got around to making a personally definitive list of the greatest music ever made (which I do frequently...I just can't agree with myself) then this would be right up there!

I assume that people know about this. I assume people know what I know (which is irrational). If you have ever heard this then I don't doubt that you own it already. If not, take some time out and immerse yourself!

There are things that hit you just at the right time and then change you forever...this is one of mine.

As far as I am concerned, this is one of the greatest pieces of art. EVER!

Swans are still very active and I have seen them quite a lot over the past few years. They are currently crowd sourcing for the delights that they are in the process of producing. The money is to provide some food and shelter so that they can concentrate on the glory that is Swans. You should check it out on Michael Gira's Young God Records. I've already committed and already have my physical copy of Not Here / Not Now (number 1974 in case you need to know).

Do It!

Children Of God


  1. That's really odd. I saw them on that same tour at the Town & Country. Went to see the Sugarcubes (bottom of the bill), came out a Swans fan. Changed my life too.


  2. Thanks for posting this; you can never go wrong with Swans. My copy is number 1800, by the way.

  3. The part on your blog that says: HISTORY REPEATING January 2012 december 2011 followed by a list of bands, is that music that you are looking for or are they your favourite bands?

  4. Caligari:
    all hail mike gira!
    many years ago henry rollins published through his own book company a book by gira but i wasn't able to purchase it. damn!

  5. Hi Nick...nice to know! I've still got that poster as wel :)

  6. Alan...nice to see you were already on board!

  7. Anon...those refer to the things that were reposted after they died.

  8. Caligari...I've got that book :-P

  9. I have permanent hearing damage due to the Swans.
    Ah, the good ol' days.

  10. The first SWANS I heard was "The Burning World", when they had a single on MTV. I remember remarking to a friend, "I read that Swans were a heavy noisy terrifying band, but this is just folky-pop-sounding. What gives?" The friend played me "Beautiful Child". Pure horror. Oh.

  11. ur from near manchester ? me too !

  12. Hi ob pond

    not near Manchester...in Manchester!

    the only place to be hahaha
