va - Electronic Music Festival

The granddaddy of all Zero Gravity releases, "Electronic Music Festival" succinctly demonstrates everything about the label that merits the slack-jawed admiration/disbelief with which it is commonly greeted. Label boss Kazunao Nagata starts it off with a solo slab of serious bloop, setting the tone with an atmosphere of... well, whatever you'd call it. I'm not sure, except that it only exists on Zero Gravity. Then we get similarly cosmic synth snarls from Utah Kawasaki (who has since made a name for himself in the Off-Site/Hibari improv orbit), Trio Rakant (in which protagonist Aikaiwa is joined by a gentlman who calls himself God Nagato... and who am I to argue?), and bass drone master Tamaru. This is followed by a gob-smacking white-hot blast of WTF by the mighty Nerve Net Noise. If that's not all, the album ends with a massive session which combines the talents of nearly everyone who appeared previously in one mega-team-up, culminating in a display of analog glory that loosens planets from orbit and sends them all hurtling into deep space.

va - Electronic Music Festival


  1. Caligari;
    pretty strang!
    it reminds me john carpenter'w

  2. Yep, this is a pants emptier
