Smell & Quim‎ - Powerfuck

This is an absoultely stunning CD from the S&Q crew. It is easily my favourite Smell & Quim release (and I love them a lot).

This was released in 2009 on L. White Records and is posted with the kind permission of the label owner. Thanks Peter!

Track 1 is called "Doddy's Cock" ... it's related directly to Ken Dodd (an example of the sheer torture that passed as culture in these shitty isles). At one point (?Michael Gillham) screams TWATifilareous (that walking corpse had a catchphrase when he had the diddymen and the tickling stick schtick of "Tatifilarious" ... it's all true ... it's how empires fade!) and then I realised it was quite seriously "Suck on Ken Dodd's cock" and once you know that it's impossible not to smile...

Track 2 is "Fuckseed" and it took me about a dozen listens to get past. I really struggled with it at first. It seemed like a disgusting whitehouse/sotos celebration of misogyny. It's not (or at least I see it as the opposite...the anthem of the arsehole!). Michael Gillham methodically ranting "his" hatred of a woman who has escaped "him" and then eventually I realised that it is the entirely internal dialogue of a pathetic and isolated shithole of a man...probably sat in his stained underpants and vest surrounded by empty Special Brew cans and cig dimps, recognising his powerlessness, dreaming of past "glories" and actually sitting in silence...

...after that you're in and it's all arse gravy!



  1. Caligari:

  2. excellent take on 'fuckseed' & so close to the truth. very well done young man!
