Kuwayama-Kijima with Carter Thornton‎ - Shrine

Kiyoharu Kuwayama & Rina Kijima are joined by Carter Thornton‎ on this LP released on Carter's own Conduit Creations label in 2005. This is the limited edition of 50 that contained a bonus CDr.




  1. No idea who any of these people are... which is part of the attraction: as John Peel said, "I'm always looking for something I haven't heard before"... good cover too... thanks very much!

  2. As John Peel also said:

    "There are only two types of music: good music and bad music"

    You decide ;-)

  3. Kuwayama Kiyoharu ran the Pale-Disc label (which I posted some of last week). Minotaure was his first band, though Lethe is the project he's best known for today. Any Lethe albums you can find are fantastic!

  4. I just wanted pass my thanks for this blog along to you. Now seems to be quite a difficult time for the "rare music blog." BleakBliss has always been my favorite, so it's great to see how strong this place is going.

    It's no exaggeration to say places like this make a large impact on the underground listening community.

    Great music and great work man. Thanks again!
