Cock E.S.P. & Smell & Quim‎ - Super Noise Penis

Just to show that I sometimes pay attention to the comments ... there was a bit of a conversation about Smell & Quim's "Miss Piss" 7" in Mrs Inside's S&Q post.

I have that single in one of the many many boxes (christ alone knows which one!). Safe to say, I haven't ripped it yet otherwise, I would have posted it now.

As a pointless consolation prize, here is a 7" released on Spite in 1998 that I had got around to.

The Cock E.S.P. info on discogs is priceless and surprisingly unironic and I can't improve on it:

"Cock E.S.P. are a Minneapolis based circus trio. They are a true modern day noise freakshow regularly to be found on the highways and byways of America on constant tours to numb their pain. With over two hundred releases under their belts on various labels from around the globe they are respected by many and hated by most musicians and press. They are America's finest noise band and total cocks."

If you have a rip of Miss Piss...I'd love you to share it! It would save me from constantly forgetting that I have to get around to doing it!

Super Noise Penis


  1. Caligari:
    i really didn't like that one.
    nice cover anyway

  2. It isn't one that I particularly rate but it's another rare Smell & Quim that is out there in the world and people can decide (based on this) whether they want to buy a second hand copy or not.

    The main reason for the was to see whether anybody had the Miss Piss 7"
