The Rita - Retrospective II

09.07.16: The links on Metallic Imagery are dead ... so whilst I'm re-uploading some things, I thought I'd take the liberty of posting links here.

Tape One
Tape Two
Tape Three
Tape Four

I heard a rumour a few weeks ago that there was a second retrospective due to be released. It was partially accurate. It was released on Total Black on the 1st of June. By the time I got there all 100 had gone. Cue desperate pleas to the label to no avail and tears shed. This was something that I would never get to hear!

Quite randomly, I checked the referring sites stats for this blog and saw a name there that I didn't recognise.'re ahead of me already...

Metallic Imagery had already posted it here. It's also a fine blog.

When the label got back to me, they apologised for their tardiness in not keeping one copy just for me and informed me of the loveliness that was a deluxe tape reissue of the Nylons of Laura Antonelli set. The preorder came with a t-shirt, expanded artwork, photographic inserts, a poster and a dollop of love! The preorder has already sold fucking out. You'd better be sharp on the regular will be around for about five minutes.

There's some Dead Body Collection and Werewolf Jerusalem in the pipeline as well. Trust me, you had better be quick! Don't say I didn't warn you. Does it get any better? Well, yes. Total Black has a shopfront with some impressive distro links. You can't go wrong! For a young label, it's kicking arse big style.

Don't thank me ... thank Metallic Imagery.


  1. Dear Kommrade! Ultra mega thanx for this post!!! I looking for The Rita Retrospective I.... All the Be(a)st from Czech

  2. then why didn't to say so? coming right up!

  3. If I have someone pissed... I´m sorry, my English is terrible... but I love this blog... I love Sam McKinlay... I hope I was understood correctly... Finally, everything is fine, because I don´t speak English,you don´t speak Czech, but we all love sonic storm:) Salute from Czech - Robert

  4. Robert...nobody is pissed...the humour didn't translate

    I've ripped my copy of Retro 1 and I'm finishing the upload ... it will be here in a couple of hours.

    Salute from Manchester!

  5. Salute! Uffff.... sorry for my paranoia. Are you Englishman? That´s Great for me!! And from Joy Division´s City! That´s really GREAT! Thanx for everything... Your blog is among the best of all that I visit!!! All the be(a)st ... Mike Dando´s (Con-Dom) greeting me in one of his letters he wrote to me years ago... Grrrrr... my English from the Google´s English translators...I quit...

  6. I realise that what you actually mean is that this blog is THE best out there.... hahaha

    Joy Division (who I adore) turned into the truly awful New Order

    The only Manchester bands are The Fall and Gnod!

  7. Thanks, Badger. This is quality.
    Also, thanks for turning me on to Metallic Imagery as well.

  8. Metallic Imagery elaborates well upon the quality of Total Black... I managed to get the pre-order editions of both Retrospective II and The Nylons of Laura Antonelli reissue, as well as the special edition of that new Dead Body Collection 3xc60. I have everything from the label except the Sequences tape actually, and it's all really brilliant. Not to mention the distro selection, which is just absurdly good...

    - JY
