The Kitten Helmet

Three hours and 35 minutes ago I had to allow my elder stateswoman to leave.

I want to mark her passing.

We spent 17 years of me doing what she wanted me to do.

A beautiful cat!


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  2. My condolences. Adopting two cats in the past 1+ year has changed my life, for the better, more than anything else I've experienced.

    Good luck and be well.

  3. RIP to Psychic Companions

  4. RIP to beautiful psychic companions

  5. Sorry for your loss. Thanks much for your ongoing vigilance supplying really interesting music and sounds.Steve

  6. I fully understand your sadness, I have over 24 cats and each one is unique and I love them all. I collect cats almost as bad as your collect this great music your post for us! Find yourself a new cat or 3 and keep this blog alive!

  7. sorry for your loss, I lost a couple sweeties, myself.

    thanks for a great blog and be sure to share life with another good kit-kit


  8. nice jpeg mike!

    thanks for your thoughts people!!!

    I still have five beauties that share my living space...four of which wake me up when the sun rises by simultaneously competing for space on my chest so they can be the first to start the love-in...and, yes I am permanantly sleep deprived! I pretend to be annoyed but it's actually a great way to start the day...once you've actually woken up.

    The other lady is far too sophisticated for such attention seeking behaviour.

    The Kitten was the second cat to ever move in. That was in (unbelievably) the 1990's! I was with her from the beginning and was lucky enough to see her through and comfort her at the end. Utterly heartbreaking but I was lucky that she chose me.

    All of my co-habitees are strays and rescues and it will always be the same whilst I have a choice in the matter.

    Eventually they leave and inevitably more will choose me.

    It never gets any easier when they have to go.

    Smile in the moment people! There is always something around the corner...

  9. Sorry to hear this,it's never easy....Our Lemmy passed over last year,and I was with him,as I was at his birth.His younger sister and nephew are playing havoc outside as I type this....Thanks for all the awesome music,(Especially the really rare AMT stuff...Huge fan!!!) Keep up the good work,peace,love and purrrs from Andy Kaya and Tigg..
