Hijokaidan - Shumatsu-Shorijo

CD released on Alchemy Records as part of the Hijokaidan Rarity series in 2000 featuring a 27 minute feast which previously appeared on a compilation LP in 1980 plus a previously unreleased improvisational work.



  1. Hello I appreciate a lot the work broadcast you do, here and found material most interest to me.

    A big hello and remains so to this wonderful blog.

    Costa Rica

  2. I cannot possibly listen to, or, more significantly, digest the abundance of music you post on your blog. I'm still enraptured by the Chinese noise comp you posted (what seems like years ago). The point being: I'm so pleased you found the spirit to return to this mode of expression. I hope my comment finds you in a place of strength greater than the one in which you briefly left us. Thank you for everything you've done and will do. Cheers.

  3. Caligari:
    we love hijokaidan!!!!!!

  4. I've known Hijokaidan for years, but only recently, through your blog, I was able to give them the attention they deserve.
    Thank you very much for this! I love them now.

  5. @ COOL FOOL

    cheers mate, i already have that and seriously thought about posting it as the 3rd Hijo...but it's new and still for sale...even tho the website is Japanese only...for the past couple of months, I've been thru various mental gymnastics trying to justify posting it...couldn't bring myself to do it...I try really hard to post things that aren't for sale and if I had posted the release I might have opened a door that might have eventually corrupted the point of the blog...hence I haven't posted your comment as it would amount to the same thing by default.

    Thanks for thinking of us though!
