Butthole Surfers‎ - Locust Abortion Technician

Sometimes, time plays tricks.

I bought this LP when it came out on Blast First. That was in 1987. Shit, that was a quarter of a century ago.

I just assume that people know people like this...and then I realise it was a long time ago and there may be one person who doesn't.

Anyway, this is for that one person.

Between 1983 and 1988, the Buttholes were the greatest things in the world and changed my mind and my life forever. If I hadn't have found them, I wouldn't be who I am and this blog certainly wouldn't exist.

Locust Abortion Technician


  1. Indeed. If you question Badgerstump's comments, please refer to the Buttholes' song "Moving to Florida", which is the greatest song ever recorded in history.

    You'll find it on their album Rembrandt Pussyhorse.

    Thank you for the post and the reminder of all that is great, Badgerstump.

  2. Well said sir. Well said.

  3. the true sound of psychosis, cleverly (barely) disguised as rock 'n' roll.

  4. changed my life in exactly the same way, leeds poly gig in 1987 (!) blew my mind...nice one

  5. The Buttholes changed my life as well. For me, in the second half of the 1980s they were the greatest live act in the world and absolutely untouchable. To this day very few gigs have even come close. For those who were there, there are some videos on UTube of shows from that period that give a flashback to the total mindfuck that they were.
