I have no fucking idea...

You ever sat there and thought that you have got just about everything you want? And then, without actually doing anything, it all turns to shit? I'm in the middle of that delightful situation and to be honest I have no idea how it is going to pan out.

Either way, there is no happy ending. It will either be misery for a long time or catastrophic in the short term and then things will get better. Suffice to say, my motivation to keep the blog updated is not there.

I'm assuming that I will be back at some point...


  1. Thank you for introducing me to a plethora of interesting music,I really enjoyed your blog. And good luck dealing with whatever you're dealing with

    "Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you."

  2. Caligari:
    damn man,
    try to read some good
    tim leary book,
    it always motivate me!

  3. What's going on?!

  4. Please consider blog therapy for your ailments!

  5. love what you do. you don't use your blog as a corner to piss links into. you've got a deliberate approach and even though i can't get into everything you post, you've still got a unique voice and i dig your updates. remember you talking about how that soccer team one and it was a big deal for you. see you soon, if we're lucky.

  6. Oh Badgerstump,Don't Let Yourself Get Depressive...I Don't Know What Happens To You But I Can Understand Well Your Message Cause My Life Turns To Shit Exactly As You Said It.
    But This Is A Part Of Life Mate,You Know That,So Don't Let It Bring You Down.At Least You Know What I Done Among Other Little Things When I Lost All Of My 'Good Reasons' ???
    I Search And Found Some Blogs Like Yours And Download Some Good Music To Make My Life More Happy Again.
    All Things Fall Down Coming Of Age,We Are Humans,We Have To Pass Through That,But Just Then,We Have To Re-Concentrate To All Remaining Good Stuff We Have And Love.
    Keep Your Faith
    Shit The Shit
    Be Stronger Than Before Mate.
    Wish You The Best.

  7. you did a good job, thanks a lot!
    all the best,

  8. Caligari:
    come on badgy!
    jump on the skateboard
    listening to
    "cramps - songs the lord taught us"
    usually it works

  9. Hey man, I'm so sorry that things aren't going well for you right now. However, what doesn't kill you, yadda yadda yadda.

    Suffice to say, there are many out there like myself who truly hope that things pan out for you. Your blog has been a beacon of hope that has brought some meaning to my daily life. Here's hoping that the sky stops falling soon enough and you're on the mend post haste. Be well and I hope to see you blogging in the near future.


  10. Thanks for the great surprises and fine known music!

  11. Hang in there, baby!

  12. you're already a legend, we have no grounds to ask for or expect more. but even then, i will await your return. SOLDIERS 4 LIFE

  13. Sorry to hear things aren't well. Take your time. You've given plenty. Thank you.

  14. I love it when that happens. Good luck.

  15. Well,I'm Misery For Long Time Now,I Suffer Of Something That Doctors Can't Find,I Lost My Income Four Months Now,My Mother Died After A Fucking-Hell Bad Alzheimer Desease...
    And You Wanna Know What I Found ???
    I HAVE TO BE A BETTER MAN CAUSE I DON'T WANNA DESTROY ANYTHING AROUND ME...And Believe Me,This Is The Only Way When You Meet This Crossroad My Friend.
    TRYING TILL THE END (If There's Any End At All).

  16. If it helps any, I'd like to see you back up and posting...?

  17. I thank you for all of the great music that you have shared.
    I greatly appreciate the work and dedication.

  18. Yes to the first part.

    To the second: yes, there is no happy ending. Embrace this fact. Still... Your posts meant something to some guy from a country you probably never heard of. Thank you. Good luck.

  19. Hey ! Obviously, I don't know what you are going through. But let me tell you just one thing : six years ago I lost just everything I had (I was 37 at that time) : the woman I loved and lived with, my job and even my home. I went crazy, tried to kill myself and went through psychiatric treatment for a few months. And here I am today, married, with a two year old wonderful little girl, a new job that I love, a nice house, etc. This is life as it is. And even at the bottom end of desperation you might sometime find unexpected paths to your own salvation.



  20. good luck meng,i hope whatever it is pans out for the better.

  21. Sorry to hear about the problems. I liked what you were doing and I thought it was a bit different from others. Anyway best of luck for your future.

  22. Don't worry about it. Just take your time, don't forget to breathe, and leave the blog open. If you feel like returning to it later (and I hope that you do, it's one of the best), then do : )

    Good luck!

  23. AARGH!
    You are needed. You must return!

  24. Back soon, I hope! And I hope the best for whatever your situation is...

  25. Here's hoping you get everything sorted out. Thanks for the time and effort you've put into maintaining this blog, it has been deeply appreciated.

  26. Hi again.

    I wasn't going to post these comments. It seemed (for a while) that it would be blowing smoke or cracking one off if I did.

    But I wanted to publicly acknowledge the individuals that took a bit of their own time to pass on a bit of positivity. Genuinely. Thanks.

    When the rug gets pulled out from underneath you, it takes a while to readjust to the new reality. That's just the way it is.

    Blah. Blah. Nothing new...just couldn't be arsed with the blog...


    Whilst I've been inspecting my own colon (and yes, all I found was shit...just to save you asking) I've been listening to music that I never made time to get around to because the blog and everything else took that time away. Or I allowed it to! So, I've ripped about 300 tapes so far and several hundred cdrs..and yes, about fucking time...

    On the way back soon ... whatever "soon" means...

    Thinking of kicking off with Vomir's "Living Dead Noise Box" ... if you see that soon then you know that I have a plan and we are back on a roll...

  27. Glad to see you're back :D Yeah, transitions aren't always easy, and most of us hate change, especially when the road ahead leads in directions we didn't really want it to.

    Looking forward to more posts on your blog, but come back and start posting when you are ready, not because of people missing you and peer pressure. Things like these can consume an insane amount of time and effort, almost like a second job, and I for one acknowledge and appreciate it.

  28. Sometimes a good break is in order. I appreciate all the time you have committed to this blog over the years and all the great music that you have enabled me to hear.
