Aqua Dentata - March Hare, Kraken Mare

Aqua Dentata is the work of Eddie Nuttall who also participates in the excellent Baraclough.

This is a really quite wonderful cdr released on Beartown Records earlier this year. Beartown is a stone cold inspired UK based label that has already managed to release some of the greatest current subundergrounders...from Astral Social Club to Vomir. Pay attention! Spend money! Pay Homage!

The Beartown boys also have a lovely turn of phrase: "Nuttall has developed his AQUA DENTATA project further, utilizing synthesizers, tapes, microphones and bowed miscellany creating a meditative and hypnotic vibe. The result is a sparse, desolate and quite frankly, downright eery affair - think majestic, gushing waves collapsing in on themselves, distilling into vacuumed interzone voids and seemingly sourceless, spectral whispers that may never even have existed. This is a recording that will leave your senses/sensors rendered irrelevant."

If I was ever lucky enough to be riddled with psilocybin in a Cambodian temple at midnight...this would be my internal dialogue. Think Master Musicians Of Bukkake stripped right back to it's essentials. Wonderful!

March Hare, Kraken Mare

1 comment:

  1. Caligari:
    not my style
    but somewhat fascinating
