Various - LAFMS: The Lowest Form Of Music (Artist Edition)

LAFMS is the Los Angeles Free Music Society. This is taken directly from wiki (with no apologies...there is plenty of info out there on this legendary way of viewing the world...go find it):

"The Los Angeles Free Music Society (LAFMS) has been, since the early 1970s, the banner heading of a loose collective of experimental musicians in Los Angeles, California who were joined by an aesthetic based around radicalism and playfulness. Key players have included Joe Potts, Tom Recchion, Joseph Hammer, John Duncan, Dennis Duck, Juan Gomez, Kevin Laffey, Chip Chapman, Fredrik Nilsen, Jerry Bishop, Ace Farren Ford, Ju Suk Reet Meate, and Rick Potts.

Notable band configurations have included Le Forte Four, Smegma (who relocated to Portland, OR in the late 1970s), Solid Eye, Airway, Monique Experience, Foundation Boo, Extended Organ, and The Doo-Dooettes. Their influence is seen most immediately in other Pacific-coast "isolationist" experimentalists like Caroliner Rainbow, Sun City Girls, and The Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, as well as Japanese noise projects like Hanatarash, Hijokaidan, and Incapacitants."

Released in 1996 as a ten disc joint release on Gary Todd's Cortical Foundation and Ron Lessard's RRRecords. This is the "Artist Edition" which contains the eleventh disc.

"The music is free, but you have to pay for the plastic, paper, ink, glue and stamps"













  1. I concur with the above comment, fantastic fucking work!

  2. Badge-

    You are on FIRE.
    Thanks much!

  3. Thank you for posting this. This is one of those releases that I really wanted when if first came out, but it was far too expensive.

    If anyone is interested, Disc 8 consists of nothing but projects by Rick Potts. The overwhelming weirdness mixed with medlodicism make this stuff very intruguing. For whatever reason the box set does not have anything by Brad Laner projects like Steaming Coils, which Rick Potts was heavily involved in. But Disc 8 has that same kind of sound, and is worth checking out.

  4. Blessings for the monster post! May your days be filled with good health and happiness always.

  5. your blog is awesome. thanks so much for posting. really loving this and the robert turman chapter eleven.

  6. Thank you so much for keeping this on!

  7. Would you consider a re-up for this? Sorry I got here too late. Great work!

  8. You got here too late twice :)

    It was re-upped recently and alive again for a while, 11 discs is a lot of work when there is so much else to do so it's very unlikely.

  9. Oh Darn ;) Totally understand though - 11 discs upped twice is quite enough for anyone. You've earned your stripes, my friend. There's plenty more to keep me going here anyway. Thanks and congratulations on a great site - truly a treasure trove and a credit to the 'net.
