Violent Onsen Geisha / Cock E.S.P.‎ - Split

Collaboration from 1995 between VOG (Masaya Nakahara) and the travelling circus that is Cock E.S.P. (and I really do mean that in a nice way). Released on one of Masaya Nakahara's earliest labels ... My Fiance's Lifework Productions.

This is listed on discogs as a tape...I only have it as a 6 track rip so I'm passing it on as I found it.

This also signals the revivification of the previous VOG posts.


1. The last time I posted these, I missed the last 10 minutes from the Teenage Pet Sounds release. Yeah, I know...I have no idea. Mind you, nobody got in touch to tell me I'd fucked up. If you got TPS from me in the 1st place you need to go back and get the complete one...

2. I haven't re-upped the Shocking Early Works rip...entirely because I can't find where I've put the damn thing. Yeah, I know. Again. I'll find it soon...

Violent Cock

1 comment:

  1. "Que Serea, Sera" -- Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Computer crashed. You've replaced an all-time fave. Thanks AGAIN!
