M. Geddes Gengras - Enduring Doubt

C25 from the tail end of 2010 on Matthew Sullivan's (Earn, Privy Seals, Deep Jew, etc) Ekhein label.

You might know M. Geddes Gengras a little bit better as plain old Ged Gengras and should know his work with the likes of Pocahaunted, Robedoor and Warm Climate.

I love his work. A lot. If you like it even a little bit...go and buy the Systems 1 boxset from April this year on 905 Tapes. 14 measly yankee dollers...how could you possibly go wrong...shit, buy two and give one to a friend. Seriously. I recommend all of his work.

Enduring Doubt


  1. Totally agree. He just keeps getting better. Thanks for these rips.

  2. Caligari:
    i didn't know this band and
    itìs awsome!
    great post,
    a real trip!!!
