Kawaguchi Masami's New Rock Syndicate - Another Side Of New Rock Syndicate

CDr released on Nyali Recordings in 2010 in an edition of 125. Recorded live in Tokyo, August 2009.

New Rock Syndicate are Akira Kikuchi, Masami Kawaguchi (Broom Dusters, LSD Pond and used to perform with LSD March) and Nao Shibata (who is a member of Doodles, LSD Pond and used to play in Hijokaidan).

Another Side


  1. been on the hunt for this for some time now. thank you.

    i am saying.

  2. It's great! Thank you very much!

  3. Caligari:
    the song
    03 - repetition
    has became one of my own
    garage-psych favourite!
