Kevin Drumm - The Obstacles Of Romantic Exaggeration

Double CDR released in 2010 on Karl Schmidt Verlag in an edition of 19 copies.

KSV is run by Tom Smith of To Live and Shave in L.A. Check the label blog for new releases and downloads of older TLASILA material!

Disc 1

Disc 2


  1. Caligari:
    it takes time to listen alll the noise you're posting so i'll be quite slow in commneting them.
    anyway even this one is really good!

  2. I think that both Drumm and Keith Fullerton Whitman are trying to make max/msp sound/noises with analogue synths that in my opinion is pointelss. Aesthetically "The obstacles" reminds me of Fennesz, Alva Noto and as a former Max/Msp user my works back in 2004 (and I am nobody), but in 2010? On the other hand live analogue sounds? go to David Tudor, Gordon Mumma and co back in the 50s - 60s. DEAD END. MY CONCLUSION TRY HARDER INVENT SOMETHING NEW OR ELSE BE ROMANTIC. ALL ACCEPTABLE BUT NOT THAT CD

  3. Re 3 January 2014 Anonymous: Kevin played guitar, organ and a single voltage-controlled filter on "The Obstacles of Romantic Exaggeration." No analog synthesis.
