Stabat Mors - Struktur Mit Dominante - Soniche Kritik Funktionalistischer Vernunft

Stabat Mors is the noise work of Christian Koehler. There are reasons why I don't want to comment so much. I don't want to colour your opinion if this is your first encounter. See what you think.

Cdr on Recordings For The Summer from 2004.

Struktur Mit Dominante


  1. here's an artist i've wanted to hear more of for a long time, but his releases are too obscure to track down. thank you for posting this!

  2. this one is really sick! but i like it. not weird just to be weird. reminds me of Atrax Morgue.

  3. Caligari:
    that's excatly
    the kind of music i don't like!
    anyway that blog is
    exactly the kind of blog
    i love

  4. Thanks! You have any more Stabat Mors, esp the stuff on abRECt?

  5. this really good. call of the void..
